Friday, June 24, 2005

Letter to President Bush

June 24, 2005

Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States of America

President Bush,

I write this letter as a concerned citizen in the hope that you will address the issue of restoring justice to the Judiciary in a more fervent manner; specifically as to the appointment of “originalist” mined judges to take the place of those now serving on the Supreme Court or who have left other Appellate positions throughout the land. It is my hope that our Congress and Senate will have the courage and stamina to impeach and remove those Supreme Court judges who have abandoned their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. The safeguards that are essential to protect the rights of citizens to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been thrown in the trash by the “progressive socialist movement” commonly referred to as the liberal left.

If we are to survive as a land of Liberty we need not be so concerned about terrorist from without as long as we have such henchmen working from within. It is time for you to step up to the line, regardless of the political risk; which is minimal since you are not in a position to run for the office of President again. Take advantage of the opportunity you have and bully the microphones, the television cameras and every medium at your disposal to enlist the thoughts of every thinking and caring American for whom you serve. I cannot think of strong enough language to express the need for this to be accomplished in a timely manner and so I will close with my hope and my prayer that you are up to such a challenge.


T. Fraser Stern

Now, anyone who wants to "preserve us a nation", go and do likewise.

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