Monday, February 13, 2006

Peanut Butter Assignment is Done

Lucy can breathe a little easier, our Peanut Butter Assignment for the year is a done deal. One of her volunteer jobs at church has to do with the Bishop’s Cannery’s obligation to fill the pantry shelves with peanut butter; not just the Houston Bishop’s Storehouse, the entire United States with however many Bishop Storehouses are on that grid. Houston is where the peanut butter is made, some place up in the Northwest I imagine all the salmon is put into cans while California puts plums or something and so on around the country as each area contributes what they can (can, how’s that for an accidental pun?). It all ends up on a shelf where those in need are able to feed their families without having to go on the government’s food stamp program. Our Church Welfare program should be the model used by the government since it is by far the most efficient means of distributing what is needed without demeaning the human spirit.

One of the nice parts is that all the labor is supplied by volunteers from within the local church. A normal run starts off on a Friday morning in four hour shifts and runs through Saturday afternoon non stop until the needed number of jars are filled, labeled, put into cases and then onto pallets for distribution. Those who help get the option of purchasing some for personal use. Lucy is a major coordinator of this effort each year and I have sense enough to stay clear of her when she’s on the phone, filling in spread sheets and twisting arms. I’ve linked to her article via the title bar.

The picture is of a peanut butter run done back a couple of years ago, the faces may change but the job remains the same. The young man is one of our neighbors taking time from his normal business day and donating that time to those in need. Small things that when put together become a great work.

“And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
Mosiah 2:17) Posted by Picasa

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