Monday, March 20, 2006

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

I’ve had an interesting day of accomplishing almost nothing I’d planned to accomplish. It all started a few minutes before 2am when my phone rang waking me from a sound sleep. Some guy leaving a bar wanted me to unlock his car. I couldn’t say for sure; just a hunch, that he’d had a few too many. “Call AAA, we’re closed”, was my answer as I stumbled back to bed. I never could get back to sleep, at least not that deep level of rejuvenation that sets the tone for the next day.

A front pushed through during the night and I had left the windows open to cool the house down; the A/C repairman will be out Tuesday. It dawned on me, even in a mild slumbered state, that the noises I was hearing were rain drops landing on my hard wood floor in the den. I closed the windows, grabbed a towel from the stack and mopped up the floor before returning to bed around 3am.

The picture ( the one that never loaded out of Picasa and so you don’t see it. It’s a picture of Bubba Kitty sitting on one of the dinning room chairs in natural light, every whisker, every hair perfectly visible, even the 7 toes on her paw. ) is one that I took the first day we had our digital camera several years ago. I wanted to see what kind of quality we could expect out of our 1 mega pixel Olympus. I have a hard time trying to justify the need for more mega pixels after seeing the results. I still want an SLR digital camera with interchangeable lenses similar to my old 35mm; call me irrational.

After my having gotten out of bed a couple of times Bubba decided that, since I was up, she needed some attention. She walked across the pillows and pushed on my hand until I found the right spot. Bubba is our polydactyl cat, having 7 toes on one paw and 6 on another. You might think Bubba is a funny name for a female cat; it’s the truncated version of how a southerner sounds out Baby Kitty, blame this one on Lucy. By the way, Bubba is the owner of this house and everything in it; which she permits us to use as long as we properly administer to her whims, desires and needs. A special thought goes to our friend at Catscape. (link via title bar; yes, I did try to hide this link and it failed, again) Their kitty, Shamus, is scheduled to go in for some kind of surgery.

My first call was a lockout for a good friend; but farther away than I normally travel for a lock out. It was raining as I headed out, noticing that traffic was unusually heavy on the main street that passes our neighborhood. The signal lights at the largest intersection in our area were out, all these folks forced to use it like a 4 way stop sign; that’s 3 lanes each way plus left turn lanes going East and West then the 2 lanes plus left turn lanes going North and South. It was a pure and simple mess which took me an hour or so to travel. On the way back I tried a back way only to find that a similar mess had put me into a gridlock of happy campers. Some days are just that way.

Last night we watched super extreme situation night on the television; a super tornado that might develop and take out Dallas followed by a super sun spot that might knock out all the power along the East Coast. Maybe it was just a tiny sun spot that knocked out the signal lights Kuykendahl at FM 1960.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

TF, thanks for the good wishes. Little Shamus had his surgery on Saturday morning, but had to spend the weekend under observation. He was supposed to come home today, but the vet said that the little dude pulled out his catheter last night, so he wanted to make sure he was okay before sending him home.

Sorry to hear about your bad day. I do know that feeling of laying in bed half asleep weighing the benefits of returning to peaceful slumber versus getting up and closing the window. For some reason, it seems like a hard decision at the time.

Also, thanks for the cat pictures. Max might be kin to Shamus. He's goofy like that too.