Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lunch with God

Here’s something to contemplate while you’re going about your day to day routine. What if you got a phone call telling you that God wanted to have lunch with you? Where would that happen, how would you dress, how much time would lunch take from your already busy schedule?

I was just wondering; no, I didn’t get such a phone call. You can bet that if I had I would have checked my Caller ID and done a double take. I liked the movie, Oh God, with John Denver and George Burns. Maybe God takes off every now and then, kind of like going undercover as He travels among us just to have something different to do, something other than taking care of “worlds without end” and that kind of stuff.

I thought at first that maybe He’d want to eat at a fancy place, real ritzy and then I got to thinking that He’s not out to impress if He’s gone undercover. That would take the fancy restaurants off the list. He does have a plenty to do so time, if that means anything at all to Him, would be at a premium. He’d want something quick and easy, like the hot dog vendors that you see all over New York City or a fast food place that serves hamburgers and fries; “super size that” would take on a whole new meaning.

What kind of chit chat would you have with God while you gulped down your hot dog covered with chili, sauerkraut or diced sweet onions? “So, how’s it goin’, Sir?”; no, that would sound a little too informal. “I don’t know what you heard; but I know I can make it right if you give me just one more chance” might be closer.

God would be enjoying the cool crisp Autumn air, the clear blue sky with the change of color, leaves rustling down the sidewalk as so many of His children scurried about their mundane schedules, not knowing they were in the presence of their Creator. He’d have ordinary clothing, not the “brilliant as the noon day sun” outfit; remember, He’s not out to draw attention to Himself.

Why’d he pick you to have lunch with anyway? Was it something you did, some great act of kindness, a reward for having provided that homeless guy on the street corner with some spare change or were you simply the one millionth person to cross the street and there He was to greet you.

What would God drink with his hot dog? Delaware Punch, Sprite, Pepsi, Dr Pepper or just plain water? You have to figure that He doesn’t come down too often, having so much to do and all; something that was fun, something to excite the taste buds maybe? I’d like a Dr Pepper with mine. It would be a little stressful trying to eat while standing next to God; wondering what would happen next.

Who foots the bill? Does God carry a few dollars around in His pockets when He goes off on one of His plain clothes jaunts? I’d be happy to reach down and handle the tab; a minor issue when you think about all He’s done for me. I know when I go to visit my folks I almost never get to pay for lunch; my father always wants to take care of that. My guess is Father in Heaven would have thought that one out long before He ever invited me to share a few minutes with Him.

What’s on His mind; I mean, is He about to ask me to perform some service, some difficult mission that He wanted to ask me face to face? What could I do that I’m not already doing? Is there any request that He might make, something over and above what has already been required of me?

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matt 22:37-40

Tell you what; the odds of God asking me to have lunch with Him are fairly small, downright unimaginable if you put a percentage to the odds. How about I enjoy the company of my family, my friends or even those strangers around me as I partake of the bounty provided; that’s about as close to having lunch with God as I’m going to get. Smile a little more often, tell them how much I enjoy being in their presence and that I love them; that’s what God would want me to do.

“I say unto you that if ye should serve him who has created you from the beginning, and is preserving you from day to day, by lending you breath, that ye may live and move and do according to your own will, and even supporting you from one moment to another—I say, if ye should serve him with all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable servants.”
Mosiah 2: 21

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