Friday, October 06, 2006

Secret German Prison Claimed

While reading the Houston Chronicle I came across an AP article (linked via title bar) which adds fuel to the fire of controversy that the United States has been holding suspected terrorists in clandestine facilities abroad.

“According to Reprieve, Guantanamo prisoner Hassan bin Attash claims he was told by Jordanian torturers that his brother — alleged senior al-Qaida figure Waleed Tawfiq bin Attash— was being held for interrogation at a U.S. prison at an air force base in Germany.”

In a related yet unconfirmed account, Yaphi al-Twidledum claimed that the German guards would have detainees stand in the middle of a small room filled with coo-coo clocks. The detainees were forced to place their arms high above their heads while tilting from side to side in time with the clock pendulums all the while guards verbally assaulted them, “Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc…” in an attempt to break their code of silence.

In an united act of defiance the detainees would aggravate their guards by performing only half of the intimidating exercise, Yaphi al-Twidledum would smile each time, egging his captors with a steady, “Tic, Tic, Tic…”

The guard in charge went ballistic, his round Arian face turning bright red in anger as he stepped down from his vantage point and reminded them in a thick German accent, “Ve have vays to make you Toc!”

This post is linked with TMH Bacon Bits “Open Post Friday”, a chance to read a variety of articles by various bloggers.

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