Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Really Cheap Watch Contest Update

Last week I announced the return of the Really Cheap Watch Contest and thought it was time to show the “carrot” dangling out there before you, an incentive to jump into the deep end of the pool.

The prize winner will have his/her choice of the finest watches China has ever sent to America and rumored to be assembled by unemployed Chinese rocket scientists. The woman behind the counter at the pawn shop promised a 30 day money back guarantee so these must be Really Cheap Watches, as advertized.

The Church website has a link where you can obtain General Conference in many languages . Please take advantage of the opportunity to hear inspired talks from the leadership and general authorities of the Church, take good notes and then write down something which might pass for an essay based on what you’ve heard in those talks.

Rules for the Cheap Watch Contest

1. “Watch” at least one session, either Saturday or Sunday.
2. Write a short article expressing how at least one of the talks given increased your desire to become more Christ like, listing the name of the speaker(s) and topic(s) of his/her talk(s).
3. Extra points for including scriptural references.
4. Include a reference to my original challenge in the opening paragraph of your article.
5. Send a copy of your article to my email, , by October 10, 2009.
6. One winner will receive a Really Cheap Watch (see photograph).

All entries become the property of the contest and may be reprinted. Should you win a Nobel Prize or Pulitzer Prize as a result of your efforts, a portion of the winnings will be skimmed off the top.

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