Friday, May 21, 2010

Mama Hobo Kitties Needed a Rest

Lucy’s been watching the fuzz balls, otherwise known as kittens, actively enjoying life. They come out from the brush pile to explore their universe, play with anything that moves, jump on each other and wait for a Mama Kitty to come feed them. We’ve notice they don’t have a preference to any particular Mama Kitty or visa versa; when it comes time they seem to share the duties.

As soon as feeding time is done Mama Kitties get the heck out of Dodge; or maybe that should that read, get the heck to Dodge since they like to relax under the shade of my work truck. Here’s a picture of Silver Bubba and Headbuttr’ taking a time out. The fuzz balls are all safely tucked away under the brush pile while a Mockingbird squawks loudly from a nearby overlooking tree limb.


MathewK said...

"..while a Mockingbird squawks loudly from a nearby overlooking tree limb."

proby's come to visit!


Sorry, couldn't help that.

T. F. Stern said...

MK, That's okay, I don't think Probligo would do that to a fluff ball.